The Best Printables to Assemble a Preschool Learning Binder

Four years ago, I started a preschool learning binder for my son. I looked all over for worksheets that would be fun and help me prepare him for kindergarten. I laminated each sheet and they are still in good shape. Now my daughter is using the same binder to learn her letters, numbers, shapes, etc.
Below is a list of all my favorite worksheets I have gathered over the years. The key to preschooler’s learning is practice, repetition, and patience from your part.
Assemble Your Preschool Learning Binder
To assemble your preschool learning binder, you need a 1-inch binder, a 3 hole punch, dry-erase markers, a whiteboard eraser, a laminating machine, and letter-size laminating sheets. If you don’t own a laminating machine, you can use sheet protectors. These worksheets will get a lot of use, so make sure you can clean them after every use, so you don’t waste ink. Also, adhesive velcro dots might be needed for some of the pages.

Daily Chart
These daily charts are a great place to start your preschool learning binder and your preschooler’s day. My son and daughter enjoy this very much. They like knowing how many days until the weekend and when they will get a snack, ha! If you need a visual chart for older kids, check out this homeschool schedule I made for my son.
Learning the Alphabet
These are my favorite worksheets to learn the alphabet. Little kids learn the alphabet song quickly, but they need a little more time to learn and memorize each letter. Once we sing the ABC song, we pick the letter of the day and find the matching sheet to trace it. To make it more exciting, we do a letter craft. The wonderful thing about this crafts package is that you can print it in color, so all you have to do is cut and glue.
The number worksheets below, created by Anna from, are the best find ever! The worksheets incorporate different ways to learn numbers. You can trace, color, dot, add stickers, and use counters all in one page. By counters, I really mean cheerios or mini chocolate chips. There are 20 pages that she shares for free.
Besides memorizing the shapes, it is a good idea to teach your little one to practice tracing. The puzzle pages below will help you teach the concept of same and different.
Once your little one is familiar with the colors, begin playing sorting games.
Personal Info
Your little one might not be able to write or even trace his/her name, phone, and address, but it’s such a peace of mind if they know basic information about themselves and your family. Whenever we go to a place where they might get separated, I ask them to tell me their name and my name before we leave the car. If we are out of town, we remind them of the name of our city.
Extras to Complete Your Preschool Learning Binder
Now that you have your basics, you can start sprinkling all this other concepts and prepare your child for kindergarten, YAY!
Follow my blog with BloglovinYou can supplement all these concepts with everyday items or toys that you already own. But If you want to complete your little classroom at home, you can get some of these Educational products.