Banana Slip – Twist on the Classic Banana Split

Serve the classic banana split with a twist. Next time you make a banana split assemble it a little different. Your family or guest will get a kick out of this banana slip.
To assemble this banana Slip first you need to find a plate to accommodate all your ingredients. The perfect plate for this display has to be narrow with a side high enough to catch all the melted ice cream. If you are serving multiple plates for a party then I would recommend using banana boats instead.
Use different flavors from the classic plain chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, instead use your favorite ice cream, but make sure they are different colors for a better presentation. Below are some examples;
- Talenti Sea Salt Caramel gelato
- Caramel cookie crunch gelato
- Strawberry cheesecake ice cream
- Maraschino cherries
- Chocolate shell
- Nut topping (optional)
- Toothpicks to hold the cherries in place (optional)
Banana Slip
First, place four scoops of each ice cream on the plate. If your plate is smaller, than use less scoops. Make sure to pack the plate or the ice cream will shift and the banana will completely slip.
Next, draw the face on the banana with a marker, this works best with a very yellow banana if it is too ripe you might not be able to see the drawing.
Now, cut the bottom of the banana and peel it one-quarter of the way. And insert between the ice cream scoops. The peel will rest on the ice cream.
Finally, add the toppings. First, the Chocolate shell, then, the nut topping and maraschino cherries last. Make sure to have all the ingredients handy, and work quickly, the chocolate shell hardens fast.
Split the banana once you are ready to serve and share.

I don’t know why I found this so hilarious, perhaps, because I have the sense of humor of a seven year old. I hope you found this Banana slip post helpful or at least entertaining. My kids call this “Banana Man”, they are toddlers and don’t get my jokes. 😅
However you call it, or however you serve it. A banana split is always fun to make and share with the family.
Stay and look around to see more fun ideas.