Thanksgiving Cutting Practice sheets | Free

Here are three very cute Thanksgiving cutting practice worksheets for your little one to hone their scissor skills and tracing.
I am already crafty by nature, but all this distance learning has woken up the crafty preschool teacher in me. Arts and crafts is definitely my favorite school subject.
The first month of having the kids doing distant learning was an adjustment, to say the least. I quickly learned that in order for this to work, I have to make learning fun for the kids or their attention span goes out the door and so does my patience. ? The activities we do are not time-consuming. I try to focus on something quick and fun that will supplement what they are missing from not being in a classroom, I think motor still activities are great to supplement the online material.
We finally have a nice routine to our day and I am grateful that I can be here to help them. Between every phonics or math worksheet, I try to incorporate some creative hands-on activity, like coloring, tracing, cutting, or a quick game. Thanksgiving is coming up so, I thought it would be fun to make this week’s activities festive.
Thanksgiving Cutting Practice Worksheets
The PDF below includes three pages. The pumpkin pie sheet is great for practicing circles and straight lines. The falling leaves sheet has squiggly lines, and the last page is a turkey chase. Don’t forget to pretend to eat the pie, throw some leaves around, and gobble-gobble as you chase the turkey. LOL
Download the Thanksgiving cutting practice worksheets
Find more fun DIY ideas here. You can also find more Thanksgiving inspiration here.