Great Gratitude Journals for the Whole Family

Here is a list of 15 great gratitude journals for the whole family. This year has been challenging for everybody, but to keep our spirits up, I believe it is important to pause for a moment each day and think about the things, people, and events for which we are grateful.
This year I will start the gift-giving season early by giving my kids their first gratitude journals on Thanksgiving Day.
Our kids are young and often confuse gratefulness with happiness. For the past year, at night, we have asked the kids what they are grateful for. They usually respond with ” My favorite thing of the day was…” to which I respond ” That is awesome, but what are you grateful for?”. LOL
My goal is to make my kids happy, safe, and comfortable, but as they grow, they will see that not every day is full of fun and games. I want them to know that even when days are not exciting or easy, they can still stop for a moment to focus on the good things in their lives; the things for which they are grateful.
Great Gratitude Journals
In my search for their journals, I stumbled upon some great gratitude journals. I stayed away from ones that asked, “What makes you happy?” or “What made you happy today?”. Of course, I want everyone to be happy, but happiness is not a requirement of gratefulness.
Below is a list of gratitude journals for the whole family and for all ages. Find the one that suits your style and time.

1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
- The Gratitude Journal for Women | This is a quick and straightforward gratitude journal. Every day you write three things for which you are grateful. It also has inspirational quotes and ideas to do good deeds.
- The Five Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day |This gratitude journal is a little bit more involved. It requires morning entries and night time questions. The night-time questions are helpful to help you reflect on the day and also to let things go. I like that there is an option for affirmation and intentions. Plus, a daily inspirational quote is always nice.
- The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal | If you are not into repetitive journals, this one is a great option. Each day has different questions about the past, present, and future. I love that this journal gives you a quote and affirmation.
- The Man Journal |This book is nearly identical to The Five Minute Journal above (2). It asks for morning and night entries. I see the only differences that the quotes are by men, and the cover is dark and manly. I think this would be a great his & hers gift.
- Habit Nest The Gratitude Sidekick Journal |This is a very unique journal. There is lots of information about the benefits of gratitude and ideas to form better habits. There is a space to list what you are grateful for and other questions to help you reflect. Also, it has a mood tracker.
- The Space Between |If you love to write, then maybe this is a better journal for you. Each page has food for thought. Each day is unique, and you will have lots of space to write about things or people that have affected your life and things and people you could release to improve your life.
- Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal | This is a similar gratitude journal to the one above. Each page asks you to think and write about things in your life for which you might be grateful.
- Grateful Heart | This is such a pretty book, inside and out. There are spaces to self-reflect, write for what you are grateful, and affirmations. This is the only book that I found for adults that has monthly check-in pages. What makes this journal so cool is that it has coloring pages, quotes, and even breathing techniques. I think this would be a great gift, too.
- Fuck This Shit Show | If you are skeptical about gratitude journals, but are still here, then this might be the one for you. It lets you rant a bit about your day, but it also gives you a space to be kind and write something for which you are grateful. Baby steps.
- Gratitude Journal For Teens | This is for the artsy teenager. This is a cute journal that gets straight to the point. There is a space to write what you are grateful for and a place to doodle whatever you might be feeling. I also like the space to track your mood.
- Gratitude Journal for Teens | Although this journal and the one above share titles, they are slightly different. In this book, the doodle area is replaced with a space to talk about your day. It also has a mood tracker.
- The One-Minute Gratitude Journal for Teens | If your teen is busy or not into sharing a bunch, then look into this journal. There is a nice quote on each page, and each page has space for three days versus one page per day.
- Me: A Compendium | If you want your kids to begin early, then go for this one. This book is great for the little ones that are just learning how to write. It asks questions about the little things in life, and it lets the kids color their favorite things on each page.
- The Five Minute Journal for Kids | This gratitude journal is the youth version of The Five Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day (2). There areas to answers in the morning and 2 at night. It has quotes that kids can relate to and challenges to do. I also like how it has “words of the day”. There are a lot of books similar to this one that have covers geared toward boys or girls. To me, this one captures all you need out of a gratitude journal, and it’s perfect for any kid.
- This is Me! |Lastly, this is a fun gratitude journal because it’s a coloring book, as well! This book allows kids to write about their favorite things and for what they are grateful. Plus, some pages go more on the imagination side. If you like this one, but one for a boy, then go with this one.
Fall Wrapping Paper
If you are gifting a journal, download the fall paper pattern and print it at your local office supply store. I recommend printing on 17″ x 11″ lightweight paper. If your use thick cardstock, you won’t be able to fold it.

Fall Thanksgiving placemat
You can also use the fall paper sheets as placemats to decorate the kids table.

Visit the Thanksgiving page for more ideas.